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Pharma PCD /Franchise

Pharma Franchise 

A Pharma Franchise is a business model in the pharmaceutical industry where a company (the franchisor) grants a license to another company or individual (the franchisee) to sell its products under its name and trademark in a specific geographic area.


Specialized in the segment of ortho, neuro, analgesic & dental.

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This is our upcoming division,specialized in cardio & diabetic products

Pharma PCD

We can give Pharma PCD on District-wise, Monopoly basis through BIPL division of Radico Remedies (a PCD Company in India) for latest product range backed by best in class Promotional Material and latest products.


Specialized in Respiratory, gynaecology 
& paediatric Segment.

PCD Franchise of Pharma Company Radico Remedies

If you have viewed the Pharma PCD or Pharma Franchise ranges of Radico Remedies, then you must be wondering what is the difference between Pharma Franchise and Pharma PCD the answer is very simple -  in Franchise operations the areas allotted are bigger, the working is purely ethical, the minimum starting orders and sales targets are higher, investments required are higher and in this segment we appoint only Pharma Marketing Managers with a minimum experience of 10 years who have an investment potential of about 5 lacs. In the PCD segment, we offer smaller areas, starting orders and sales targets are also lower and this segment is open for Distributors/Wholesalers/Retailers/Medical Reps, etc.

The franchise of Radico Remedies is given out on an Area-wise basis not district-wise. An area of 3-5 DHQ (District Head Quarters) is assigned to one franchisee, where s/he has the space to grow and flourish without any disturbance. Even if you start one or two DHQs of your territory we keep the cushion areas vacant for the sake of your interest and stability.

Radico Remedies is one of the most ethical PCD pharmaceutical companies in India. We have never canceled the appointment of any franchisee to date. Why? Because all our franchises are able to meet the sales targets! In case of any difficulty, we support them to achieve the targets and build their confidence rather than seeking an alternative. Unlike the vicious atmosphere in the cut-throat business world, our approach is to support, nurture, grow, and let everybody grow and flourish. The other benefit of our policy is there is almost ZERO territory violation which creates an atmosphere for a long-term and STABLE occupation.

  • The Franchisee works ethically in the market, he purchases at net rates but sells only at stockist rates, except in case of direct supply to renowned hospitals.

  • The Franchisee shall work strictly in his appointed territory.

  • The Franchisee works exclusively for the company and shall not have any other PCD franchise of pharma company in India with similar products, he may, however, be engaged in any other full-time/part-time profession or business.

  • All goods are purchased against cash payment from the company or appointed Distributors.

  • All the promotional materials, samples & gifts are also distributed through our sales & marketing office in Delhi or through our Distributors, some of these are free of cost and some on a cost basis, details of different schemes are available with Sales Staff.

  • The entire Franchisee operations are supervised by company-appointed Regional Managers/Sales coordinators who coordinate between the FSOs,  distributors & the company for all matters.

Eligibility to get Franchise

You should be having at least 5 years of rich experience in ethical selling in a leading pharma company with a proven sales record. You should have the unflinching support of 5-10 top doctors in a concentrated area along with an investment of 3-5 lacs. More investment faster and better results.

An ideal proposal is with an investment of Rs. 3-5 lacs to cover an Area of 3-5 Distt. Headquarters and generate an income of Rs 1.0 lacs within 6 months.

The higher the investment sooner & higher will be the returns. The ideal investment for a healthy working is Rs. 2.5- 3.0 lacs to cover an AHQ effectively and generate an income of Rs 1.0 lacs within 3-6 months.

The Minimum Starting order for a franchise is Rs 0.5 lacs to cover a wide range of more than 100 products which is ever-growing, and you get a complete kit of all pre-requisites for marketing a set of visual aids, M.R. Bag, a Starter pack of Samples, leave-behinds, etc., 

Policy for PCD Appointment

We appoint PCD on a District-wise Monopoly basis, you have a large territory to operate and expand your business without any disturbance, and you have sole proprietary and monopoly in your area so that you can make profits with peace of mind. Full Fledged Promotional support is available to all PCDs in the shape of Visual Aids, literature, Sample catch covers, Small gifts, and also support from our Regional Sales Managers in terms of Product Training and Doctor visits also. Radico Remedies has a rich culture of rewarding its Franchisees and PCD on target achievements with foreign tours and other lucrative Gift Schemes.

  • The PCD works ethically in the market, he purchases at net rates but sells only at stockist rates, except in case of direct supply to renowned hospitals.

  • The PCD shall work strictly in his appointed territory.

  • The PCD can work for any other company provided he is meeting the Company's Sales targets otherwise he shall not have any PCD/ franchise of another pharma company with similar products, he may, however, be engaged in any other full-time/part-time profession or business.

  • All goods are purchased against cash payment from the company or appointed Distributors or Company directly.

  • All the promotional materials, samples & gifts are distributed through our sales & marketing office in Delhi or through our Distributors, some of these are free of cost and some on a cost basis, details of different schemes are available with Sales Staff.


Eligibility to get PCD

You should be having a minimum of 2-5 years of rich experience in pharmaceutical companies in India of Pharma selling/buying/prescribing experience in a concentrated area, with a successful sales track record. You can be a Medical Representative or a Distributor/Wholesaler/Retailer with good contacts with some top practicing doctors who are ready to give you their unflinching support lastly you should have a minimum investment of 1.0 lacs to start with as a Franchisee. The minimum Initial order for PCD for a product range of 100 products is Rs 0.3 lacs with which you get a starter pack of MR Bag and a set of visual aids and Leave behinds. Other promotional materials are also available details of which are provided by our Sales Staff.


Sales Targets for PCD

We expect a minimum sale of Rs. 0.40 lacs from each of our PCDs in broader terms one PCD means Rs. 0.4 lacs sales which in turn means Rs.0.30 to Rs0.50 earnings for our PCD depending on the product mix.


Scope for Expansion

We have aggressive plans to increase our market penetration by adding new divisions like CARDIO-DIABETICS-HYPERTENSIVES, NEURO PSYCHIATRY Product range, OPHTHALMOLOGY and a DERMA product range which will be launched in a unique style to capture some of the most growing areas of the trade which are totally un-explored by us now. All these and some more products which are in the pipeline would be offered to our PCD/ Franchisees supplementing their incomes manifolds.

To learn more about getting a PCD Franchise of Pharma Company Radico Remedies, please contact at +91-9318000789. , or fill up our pharma franchise/pcd inquiry form.

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